Titanic (1997)
'Where to miss?' - 'To the stars.' - Jack & Rose
'I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.' - Rose
'Now you know there was a man named Jack Dawson, and that he saved me in every way that a person can be saved. I don’t even have a picture of him. He exists now only in my memory.’ - Rose
'A woman’s heart is a deep ocean of secrets.' - Rose
'Everybody called it the ship of dreams, and it was. It really was.' - Old Rose
'I figure life’s a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it.' - Jack
'That’s one of the good things about Paris: lots of girls willing to take their clothes off.' - Jack
'It was the ship of dreams to everyone else. To me, it was a slave ship, taking me back to America in chains. Outwardly, I was everything a well brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.' - Rose
'Fifteen-hundred people went into the sea when Titanic sank from under us. There were twenty boats floating nearby… and only one came back. One. Six were saved from the water, myself included. Six… out of fifteen-hundred. Afterward, the seven-hundred people in the boats had nothing to do but wait… wait to die… wait to live… wait for an absolution… that would never come.' - Rose
Bojack Horseman (2014 - 2020)
'Why 12 steps? Nobody wants to do 12 of anything. Did you see ’12 Years A Slave’ and think ‘that’s a short number of years to be a slave?' - Bojack
'The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn’t the search for meaning; it’s just to keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you’ll be dead.' - Mr. Peanutbutter
'There is no shame in dying for nothing. That’s why most people die.' - Henry Winkler
'I’m responsible for my own happiness? I can’t even be responsible for my own breakfast!' - Bojack
'I feel like my life is just a series of unrelated wacky adventures' - Todd
'I don’t understand how people… live. It’s amazing to me that people wake up every morning and say: ‘Yeah, another day, let’s do it.’ How do people do it? I don’t know how.' - Bojack
'Same thing that always happens. You didn’t know me and then you fell in love with me. And now you know me.' - Bojack
'Not understanding that you’re a horrible person doesn’t make you less of a horrible person.' - Bojack
'I don’t know what to tell you. I’m happy for the first time in my life and I’m not gonna feel bad about it. It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are and even longer to see it doesn’t have to be that way. Only after you give up everything can you begin to find a way to be happy.' - Cuddlywhiskers
'Usually, when people ask how I'm doing, the real answer is I'm doing shitty, but I can't say I'm doing shitty because I don't have a good reason to be doing shitty.' - Bojack
'Either you know what you want and then you don't get what you want, or you get what you want and then you don't know what you want' - Diane
'You're responsible for your own happiness, you know?' - Diane
'You learn that you can survive living alone.' - Diane
'Even if no one appreciates you, it's important that you don't stop being good.' - Diane
'Every happy ending has the day after the happy ending.' - Diane
'There's no deep down, I believe that all we are is what we do.' - Diane
'There are people in your life that help you become the person you end up being, and you can be grateful for them, even if they were never meant to be in your life forever.' - Diane
'I'm this close to falling off the deep end. I know I'm smiling right now, but the light inside me is dying.' - Sarah Lynn
'I am in pain. All the time, my whole life. And you have no idea.' - Bojack
'In this terrifying world, all we have are the connection that we make.' - Bojack
'You know what the problem is with everybody? They all just want to hear what they already believe.' - Bojack
'That voice...the one that tells you you're worthless and stupid, and ugly... it goes away, right?' - Hollyhock
'It's so cruel to let people love you. All you're doing is promising you'll one day break their hearts.' - Captain Peanutbutter
and many more that cannot be listed here.