This must be the first time in my life; I dedicate today to no other than myself. This living, and breathing self, Happy Valentine's Day.
I have a terrible track record with this infamous day. I instead do not recall. Every year, I have someone to think about, whether real or fictional, Hollywood-based or Vietnam-based. But this year, I decided to celebrate it with me, to shower me with the same love and affection I gave to those people. Because I have been nothing but proud of her, for not giving up, for being more robust than her old self, for being real every day, and for being the best version of herself. Yes, to me.
We often forget that the most important relationship we have is the one we have with ourselves. That may sound self-indulgent and self-centered but for me, it's a huge step. You have no idea how disgusted I was with me. Me, no one else. I used to disgust myself that I couldn't even look at my own reflection in the mirror without uncomfortably wincing. But like the rest of the world and every living human being on this Earth, I'm flawed and needed to be understood. And like every hatable character I have encountered in films or books, I gave myself a chance. To redeem. To understand better. Being kind and gentle to myself is my first step of self-love.
I may not graduate from self-love university, but I'm somewhere in my sophomore or junior year. The definition of love may have changed for me since I attended this journey. Love, as I knew before, especially on this day, was between two romantic partners. But now, my point of view has shifted. So Valentine's day can be with or among anyone, as long as you want to celebrate it. Don't let the barrier that exists only in your mind hinder you from your own happiness. Buy yourself a bouquet, treat yourself to a meal or anything your mouth salivate when thinking about it, go on a solo trip to a destination that has sat on your bucket list for years, take on a new hobby that you desire. Do whatever you like. Live a little. Love yourself a little.
Do not rush. You know what I mean. Love will come when it comes. You can't rush faith or destiny. You can't make someone love you or unlove you. So in the meantime, try to build a relationship with someone you can reach first. Yourself. No one is more attractive than a person who enjoys being in their own skin, confident, and knows what they want.
This day seems to give lots of single people a lot of distress and go into hiding because they can't stand spending today alone. Don't be. Be proud. You have made it to this day alone, so let's celebrate today with a little bit of love for yourself. Your old, current, and new selves are proud of you.
Buy yourself a bottle of red wine and a box of cheap chocolate if you are on a budget. Treat yourself. Today is not only for couples. It's for us too.
Happy Valentine's Day ;)